The text above each cymatic is made of a prefix followed by a quality name.
The chord prefix feature in Cymasphere’s dashboard allows you to select a preferred prefix, which is displayed in the text above each cymatic.

Letter – displays the letter name as prefix.
ex. A-7, Cmaj7, F, E7

Numeral – displays roman numerals as prefix. (Roman numerals are used to indicate functional harmonic relationships in reference to a key’s tonic).
ex. Imaj7, VI-7, II-7, V7
Learn more about functional harmony in Harmonic Analysis.

None – omits the chord prefix.

The Transposition Bank is the fixed “bank” of gray cymatics at the top of Cymasphere. To easily transpose (change keys), find the “column” in the palette representing the target key’s pitch (tonic).

When in Config Mode (gear in bottom left), you can toggle the label icon (to right of transposition bank) to display Letter, Numeral, or None.